Pricing at the Speed of Light!


OptiQuote® is a first-of-its-kind automated pricing software that can greatly reduce a distributor’s service and negotiation costs while delivering the best pricing possible to the customer. It is currently available in an Excel version that does not require integration. It is also available for integration with Netsuite. Other ERP integrations are in development. ERP version can include an ecommerce or option allowing customers to do their own quotes without the need for price negotiations.


A simple and easy to use pricing tool, OptiQuote® quickly and accurately calculates customer discounts based on Cost to Serve methodology. Distributors can generate best/profitable pricing with just a few clicks. An Admin calculator for owners or management diplays the cost detail of each quote. A Sales Rep calculator can be used in the field to work directly with customers for building bundles and quantities that generate best pricing and promote upselling.


Optiquote® reduces distribution service and negotiation costs, which allows more competitive pricing to be delivered to your customers faster than ever.


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